Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Exposing the Lefties!

At the the risk of losing some of my friends (and jobs), I am starting this ongoing series, "Exposing the Lefties: a bane on American Society". This series will include topics, such as:

-What is a Lefty?
- How to recognize a Lefty, by their Philosophies and World Views!
   They are stealthy little buggers! Watch out! They will turn on you
   in an instant!
- What to do or say when you encounter a Lefty!
- How do you 'Boil a Frog?'
- How Lefties 'Care' about (manipulate) you.
   The Compassion Fascists!
- How to drive a Lefty nuts. Don't need them!
- How Lefties design Cars, Fighter Jets, Submarines,
   Spacecraft and Nuclear Power Plants!
- How the Lefties have infested Hollywood, Major Media,
   the Music Industry and the Artistic/Design Community!
   The real 'New McCarthyism'!
- The Destructive 60's, including discussions on the Vietnam War!
   (see also 'Hedonism') Hello 'Hanoi' Jane, you pig! Thank you
   for the 'Killing Fields'!
- My experiences in Chicago, Berkely, Oakland and Carbondale.
   The SDS Weathermen and Black Panthers!
- How the Lefties have enslaved, imprisoned and slaughtered
   millions! Discussions on Lennin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot
   (Khmer Rouge)
- What are the Lefty agendas and how have they been implemented
   over the last 50 years!
- Some Unions: Ignorance by itself is bad; when combined with
   entitlement and arrogance...it's Deadly!
- What about the 'Religeous Left'?
- False Prophets are not just religeous or psychic! How to decieve
   the masses!
- Hedonism and the 'Relentless' Pursuit of 'Personal Pleasures'!
- Neo-Paganism and Tribalistic piercings and markings.
   Another Religon.
- Athiest, Marxist and Environmentalist Religons!
- Alternative reading and information links to combat the
   Lefty agendas!
- Famous Quotes from 'Freedom Lovers'!
- As always, some very funny stuff!
- How do I know these things? I read voraciously, and have directly   
   experienced much more!

Sorry for the long post/outline. As a matter of fact (idiom), this is much longer than any of my articles will be! I, like many, despise 'Slogging the Blogs'; so, I will try to keep these articles as short and consise as possible, with ample footnotes and links so you won't drown in copy. Some of them will be as short as a paragraph, others longer. Either way, you can decide on your own which article or information you want to investigate further. You can be confident that all of my work is thoroughly researched, or from personal experience.
Of course, this work will not interefere with my continuing comments on current events ( to the dismay of my detractors). Ha!

Stay tuned,

- Dr. Dornski

© 2011 Dorn Kennison, all rights reserved_____________________________________________
expressing or covering much in few words; brief in form but comprehensive in scope; succinct; terse: a concise explanation of the company's retirement plan.

1580–90; < Latin concīsus cut short (past participle of concīdere ), equivalent to con- con- + -cīd- (combining form of caedere to cut) + -tus.  Past participle ending

—Related forms
con·cise·ly, adverb

pithy, compendious, laconic. CONCISE, SUCCINCT, TERSE all refer to speech or writing that uses few words to say much. CONCISE usually implies that unnecessary details or verbiage have been eliminated from a more wordy statement: a concise summary of the speech. SUCCINCT, on the other hand, implies that the message is as originally composed and is expressed in as few words as possible: a succinct statement of the problem. TERSE sometimes suggests brevity combined with wit or polish to produce particularly effective expression: a terse, almost aphoristic, style. It may also suggest brusqueness or curtness: a terse reply that was almost rude.

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