Monday, April 18, 2011

Exposing the Lefties! #1- What is a Lefty?

A Lefty, or Leftist, is basically a Marxist, Socialist or Communist. They are the enemies of American Civil Society. You will find them to be the epitome of self righteousness and arrogance. Many are Atheists, but not all (more in the 'Religious Left'). You will also find that they consider themselves as 'Progressive', when in actuality, they are Retrogressive Luddites. These 'fellow travelers' follow Marxist thought as though it were a religion. Through lies and deception, they will achieve their objectives 'by any means necessary'!

Now, as to people who are considered 'Liberals'; they are the 'Useful Idiots', as coined by Vlad 'The Impaler' Lenin.

Don't take my word for it, there are plenty of articles and books out there, for you to do your own research.
I do recommend, however, two (albeit painful) must reads:

"The Communist Manifesto" - Marx/Engels
 "Rules for Radicals" - Saul Alinsky

"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer"
-"The Godfather"

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