Sunday, October 3, 2010

Time to say something else

Well, here I am again after a long time of crazy happenings. So many things goin' on, haven't had time to post anything for myself. As a staunch Conservative, I've been watching the "March of the Marxists" and their 'Useful Idiots' in Hollywood and the Lame Stream Media. It's like a never ending spew of sewage leaking from all areas of this society's toilet plumbing. Now they're floating to the surface like turds in water. Most of us Conservatives recognize them immediately, and thanks to the troops on the front lines more and more are being exposed just below the surface.

Hat tips to the brave ones: Jim DeMint, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin,  Ann Coulter, Laura Inghram,Tammy Bruce, Michelle Malkin, Andrew Breitbart, David Horowitz, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Larry Elder, The Heritage Foundation, The Tea Party Movement and a sea of bloggers to numerous to mention here.

The first tsunami is coming Nov 2nd, to sweep many of these turds away, and permanently flush them down a toilet they can't come back from. Including their cancerous spawn, spin-offs and tumors. I'm getting a tinge of excitement.


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