Saturday, July 24, 2010

Put a Windmill on your own damn car!

You can also put it where the sun don't shine!  I'm so sick of these Eco-Fascists whining about wind and solar, etc. Fine work on your junk science, but leave me the hell alone! About the only thing these windmills are good for is killing birds! Check the video (click the title of this post). Can you imagine one, just one of these malfunctions in some of the giant wind farms? Now you know why the rich aristocrats don't want them in Nantucket Sound. Bedsides, it takes about a week for fifty windmills to produce the equivalent energy of one gallon of gas. And that's if they are working at peak! Most of them barely average 19%. So you greenies can blow it out know what! We could probably run alot more cars on the Methane created by cattle, especially from vegetarians! (no pun intended)

-the Doctor

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