Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Insanity in the Gulf (part 1)

"How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all." - Firesign Theatre
Who else is to blame Mr. President?  Plug the hole, and plug your 'pie hole' until it's done! Take your 'Nobel Prize' winning 'Experts' and shove them where the sun don't shine! Nobel = Marxist do your homework. Prior to this disaster, British Petroleum (BP) has been the 'darling' of the Dems and ally of the 'greenie' movement! Remember all the TV ads touting 'New Energy' like: Wind, Solar, Green, etc., etc.? BP has donated millions to the Obama campaign, Democrats, and Extreme Greenie causes. No wonder they (BP) had a 'cozy' relationship w/the MMS; who looked the other way when it came to Gulf Rig safety. 'Wink wink. Nod nod. Say no more.'

If you want to blame someone, take a look at the Enviro-Nazis who have infested the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers, forcing oil companies farther and farther out to sea! Crippling Louisiana's ability to build sand berms or numerous other methods to defend herself. Where is the Sierra Club and the like now?  Strangely silent. Why aren't  these hipocrites on the front lines; cleaning the birds and marshlands in Louisianna, etc.? 'Cause they're hiding under their desks'! Keeping a low profile, in case someone should investigate them too!

This administration seems to think that 'We the People' are stupid. They don't seem to realize that we are watching what they do, not what they say.  For example, the Jones act! An obsolete bill from 1920, that prohibits foreign ships from entering US waters. Within 3 days of the accident, over 13 of our friends and allies offered their ships and technologies to help, but this assinine administration has still refused to temporarily suspend this act 56 days in. President Bush immediately suspended the same law during Katrina! Where's Obama? Obviously protecting his Union thugs' jobs!

In addition to parachuting in his lawyers, to see who can be sued, Obama sets up a commision of Academic elites that not only know nothing about oil production, but couldn't even find their own butts in the dark! These nut-jobs seem to think that only they can find a solution. The fact that they are ignoring the numerous remedies the locals have (like hay, peet and organic oil-absorbing powders and fabrics), proves their ignoance. As Bobby Jindal said, "Fix it or get out of the way!"



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