Monday, May 17, 2010

Arizona 2

Living in Southern California for nearly 30 years has afforded me the priviledge of befriending and working with many Latin American Citizens of the USA. These generous, compassionate, hard working and family oriented people have been an inspiration to me and my family. The color of their skin is COMPLETELY IRRELAVENT!!  Unfortunately, loud mouthed Marxist scum like MALDEF and La Raza have infiltrated and shamed the name of all the LEGAL Latin Immigrants that have followed the legal path to US citizenship; waited in line, fought in our military, contributed immensly to US society and have become legal Citizens.

Groups MALDEF and La Raza can go to hell!! We know who you are and we will utterly defeat you! Cast you out!

Proud Latin American Citizens of the USA
God Bless America!
Che was a murdering punk Marxist thug.
So is Fidel and Hugo Chavez. Time to Die!

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