Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Goose Lake

Okay. We were actually packin' up for the trip to Woodstock. Damn! Gassed in Chicago 1968! Went to Carbondale, Il. Gassed again! WTF? Decided to go tothe nex biggest Rock Comcert in history, Goose lake. Snuck in as workers and had a Rockin' Blast! Attendance almost as big as Woodstock. All over the news! Check the three day line up by clicking the title of this post.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tear Gassed

How many of my friends have experienced being Tear Gassed? None? Well I've had the misfortune of being gassed on three (3) separate occaisions! At the time there were two major forms of tear gas; CS and CN. CS gas was the most popular form used in crowd control. This made the modern day 'pepper spray' feel like alo vera.  The 'S' or sting component caused acute respiritory burning and in some cases 'anaphalaxis' All mucous membranes exposed were swollen and inflamed with fire. This included eyes, nasal passages, throat and lungs. Exposed skin was burned to the equivalent of 2nd degree hydroflouric acid. It was not uncommon for the raw skin to peel away as a major sunburn effect. Due to a large quantity of civilian 'anaphalaxis' reports, CS was discontinued for civilian use in 1973. CN gas had all the properties of CS, but included an esophogeal irritant causing projectile vomiting. CN was used from 1968 - 1970 as a last resort for crowd control. I was banned from use as a civilian crowd control element in 1971, but is still used by Military and Swat units today.

So whats my point? Well, in 1968, I was a young Hippie/Actor/Musician. Living in a Chicago suburb. My friends/band mates and I frequented the Chicago Music/Theatre scene via the IC train. Playing in Blues Clubs an performing in Theatres, we decided to make a normal trip downtown to party with friends. Unaware that the 1968 Democratic National Convention Protests were in full force, we exited Union Station only to be greeted by Mayor Daleys' full tear gas barage and a wall of State Police riot squads. What the Hell? Not being politically astute, we just ran. Up Randolph, over Lake Shore Drive and ending up in Grant Park. Why was this happening? Who was behind it all?

Unable to get back to the train and burning w/CS, we asked around about some safe haven. A few of the older kids mentioned a group called the SDS Weathermen, who had a house up on Rush Street. We said cool, and made a stealth run at night, up to Rush St. This was like a scarey nightime rush; hiding in the shadows and evading the cops. We finally arrived. A small two flat apt in the alley behind Rush St. There was a line of others in front of us and one by one the were admitted into the flat. Everyone was hacking and gasping from the gas. When we were finally admitted into the flat, we met a guy named Jerry. He immediately ordered some chicks to minister to our injuries. The sweet smell of weed and inscense filled the room and we were finally becoming calm. Jerry told us that we were heros of the revolution and they would protect us no matter what. I said to myself: "What Revolution?"

This was my first experience with the SDS Weatherman.

Arizona 2

Living in Southern California for nearly 30 years has afforded me the priviledge of befriending and working with many Latin American Citizens of the USA. These generous, compassionate, hard working and family oriented people have been an inspiration to me and my family. The color of their skin is COMPLETELY IRRELAVENT!!  Unfortunately, loud mouthed Marxist scum like MALDEF and La Raza have infiltrated and shamed the name of all the LEGAL Latin Immigrants that have followed the legal path to US citizenship; waited in line, fought in our military, contributed immensly to US society and have become legal Citizens.

Groups MALDEF and La Raza can go to hell!! We know who you are and we will utterly defeat you! Cast you out!

Proud Latin American Citizens of the USA
God Bless America!
Che was a murdering punk Marxist thug.
So is Fidel and Hugo Chavez. Time to Die!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Arizona Rocks!! I'm buying more products from Arizona and doing more business with any company there. I am even offering a 10% discount to all clients in Arizona that need my services. I am also helping Law Enforcement and Border Patrol with Crime Scene reconstruction and tracking of Illegal Aliens. Much is done using Night vision and FLIR technology so one cant see skin color...other than Green.